HOP Doc 4: About KAT and ALEXA – One of the Crew

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HOP Doc 4 – About KAT and ALEXA – One of the Crew

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Working with both KAT (our chatbot) & ALEXA (our KAT voice experience) 

  • Why Voice and Chat ? 
  • Who are KAT and Alexa? 
  • How KAT and Alexa help our Fans? 
  • How KAT and Alexa are one of the Crew?
  • Troubleshooting KAT and Alexa


Why Voice & Chat? 

  • Over 95% of people in the US use texts regularly & at least 33% of them prefer to use texts for customer service. * 
  • Over 65 Million people use Alexa and have over 130 smart speakers in their homes across the US. * 

The point is that this is a preferred way to speak to each other and to speak to brands and get service,  so why would Hard Rock not have the best experience and give people what they want!  

*Sources:  https://www.localproject.net and https://martech.org


 How KAT and Alexa are one of the Crew?

KAT and ALEXA aim to be the best chat and voice experience anyone has ever experienced with a brand.     And you are a key part of making that happen. 

It’s important to remember ALEXA is the IN-ROOM experience and KAT is A smart chatbot Pre & Post stay as well as available during the Fan’s stay using their computer or phone.